The Ministry Programs of Staves UMC
The members of Staves are very mission minded. They love to share with the community and help where ever and whenever possible. Please review the list of ministries available at Staves and if you are interested in helping, please see our calendar of events for dates and times of meetings for these groups.
Staves Church offers Vacation Bible School for age 4 years old through completion of the 6th grade for one week every Summer; Sunday through Thursday starting at 5:45 p.m. We serve dinner every night. Click Here to Register Online
- August 31, 2019
Grilled Pork Chops
Apple Sauce
Party Potatoes (Hash Browns with sour cream) Green Beans
Desserts - September 28, 2019
Chicken Casserole
Lettuce Salad
Desserts - October 26, 2019
Camp Burger Stew
Crackers or Rolls
This is a food pantry available to anyone in central Iowa. We are proud partners of the Food Bank of Iowa®. If you or anyone you know is food insecure, please come and ‘shop’ at our food pantry. We are open the 1st Monday of each month from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm and the 2nd and last Saturday of each month from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Donations are accepted from church members and the public. Cash donations are used to purchase food from the Food Bank of Iowa®.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
This program changes each month and allows Staves members to focus on a special area. Our Ministry Outreach team coordinates each of these programs.
For the month of May 2019 we are focusing on Meal From The Heartland.
To donate place our money in a pew envelope and mark it Meals From The Heartland.
Meals from the Heartland is a nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization. We are made up of volunteers from businesses, schools, churches, community organizations and beyond who package meals for delivery to malnourished people in Iowa, across the United States and around the world.
The Mission of Meals From The Heartland is empowering people to save the starving. Their vision is to alleviate life-threatening hunger through –
- Education: They offer information and resources about global hunger and everyone’s role in this issue.
- Engagement: They provide year-round service opportunities for people of all ages to serve God and people in need.
- Feeding: they partner with meal distribution organizations so that meals can reach hungry people here in Iowa and around the world.
The history of Meals From The Heartland: The inspiration for the Meals From The Heartland effort began with a 2007 food-packaging even held during Lent by a church in West Des Moines, Iowa. The success of that event encouraged leaders to organize a community-wide food-packaging event that would involve more volunteers to feed hungry children and families. It was that leap of faith that brought Meals From The Heartland to Des Moines in 2008, resulting in 12,000 volunteers who packaged more than 4 million meals in a week’s time at our first Annual Hunger Fight.
The success of that first even led to the development of a year-round meal packaging effort. Thousands of volunteers now come together to package millions of meals year-round. To donate to this cause place money in a pew envelope and mark it Meals From The Heartland. Our send a check marked Meals From The Heartland to our church.